18 June 2010

WORLD CUP: USA vs. Solvenia

My daily schedule has revolved around the FIFA World Cup in South Africa since it started on June 11.  I enjoy watching the live games in the morning.  Makes me wonder why they don't show live coverage of the Olympics. It would be more fascinating to watch it right as it's happening.  That's the best part of the World Cup.  Everyone around the world is watching the action on the field at the same time.  Truly amazing! The world shares this experience together.

Today was no different. Woke up early to watch the USA go up against Slovenia.  The first half was a heartbreaker with Slovenia ending the half with 2 goals and USA - nil.  Not many teams come back after being 2 down, however, Team USA made it happen!  Donavon and Bradley score the two goals to even out the score.  Then coming off a corner kick, Edu shoots the ball into the net, giving the US a 3-2 lead.

However, the goal was called back because of a foul by an American offensive player.  Looking at all the replays, what foul?!  American fans and even the ESPN announcers are bewildered by the call.  No one can spot the call, whether it was a foul or offside.  It was a clean goal that should have given the US a win!

I was appalled by the call, like other Americans watching the game.   I just don't see where the foul was.  Throughout the game, the Mali referee made some ridiculous calls that were unnecessary for both teams.  A handful of yellow cards were handed out, even though some of the calls were just not there.  This ref may be a highly qualified ref for the African Conference, but this is the big leagues! You can't make these kind of calls at the World Cup!

This has definitely got to be one of most controversial calls ever.

With the England-Algeria match ending in a tie, USA still holds the 2nd place spot in the group with hopes of advancing to the top 16, if they defeat Algeria in the next game on June 23rd.


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