28 June 2010

BOOKS: Wuthering Heights

If there is one thing I missed while being in school, it's definitely reading for pleasure.  

I haven't been able to get into the groove of reading for years because each book was connected to a homework assignment - book reports, summer English Honors homework, chapter summaries, essay questions, papers, etc.  As much as I enjoyed reading some of those assigned books, I felt that I was often looking for that deeper meaning, instead of just enjoying the author's written word, taking in each description and truly appreciating the masterpiece that was written. Probably why I'm not a huge fan of Steinbeck (memo to self: try re-reading his work).

This might sound crazy, but even reading Harry Potter seemed like an assignment.  That was my fault though.  In summer 2007, I was determined to read the whole series before the seventh one came out.  I was a week off and then actually had to dive into the last installment.  I really enjoyed reading the whole series, but at some points of that last book, I was just like, "Man, they're still in the forest. *sigh*"

Well, with school done (for now), I've decided to try hitting the books once again and just reading for the joy of reading!

The first book on my list was Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë.  I think I only have this book because I was supposed to read it for class but never got around to it.  Just kidding.  I started reading it but never passed the first two chapters because I was having difficulties following all the characters.  Finally, I read passed those first two chapters and found it to be an interesting yet complicated story.  The story follows and intertwines the lives of three generations of families living on the moors of England - lots of family drama, combined with romance, friendship and loyalty.  The relationships of the characters can get confusing at times, but I liked it.

I definitely feel accomplished after reading it.

Looking on my bookshelf, I noticed that there's actually several books that I haven't even opened.  I plan to read those books and then check out other books around the house.  Yeah...basically going to go through all the books in the house like Matilda.  Then it's off to the library! ;)

Speaking of the library, if you haven't already, you should check out this other blog I write for with my friends at UP: http://adventuresofrickandtarra.blogspot.com/.

I'm so excited for reading again! :D


  1. YAY FOR READING!! I'm actually working on a few books as well. Some of them are definitely science related, but the first book on my list is Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad.

    I was supposed to read that book for AP Lit during my senior year, but I think I ended up choosing one of the other books. So when I saw it at Powell's for $5 I bought it, haha.

    Speaking of AP Lit, we read Crime and Punishment for one of our summer readings, but I think I might crack that book open again and give it another go. I definitely think it'll be a better read seeing as it will be on my own time!

  2. Yup! I'm really glad I can read in peace now. :)

    I've never read Crime and Punishment. How is that?

    P.S. What do you think of my photography skills on my book? hahaha I don't have Photoshop on my Mac, so I can't spiff it up. :\ But I guess iPhoto has some editing features.

  3. Agh, I didn't enjoy reading Wuthering Heights in my sophomore Honors class... I really didn't like it but alas, I still passed the test at the end. Hooray!

    I just love reading when it's not assigned... like I actually like reading my textbooks before the semester even begins. Maybe I'm just weird, but something about assigned reading makes me think, "Ugh, I could be doing better things right now..." haha.

    I totally looked through my bookshelf this morning and saw books I've never read in my life but bought for fun. I definitely need to start leisurely reading again before school starts or I'll never get a chance.

    Enjoy reading, Tarra!

  4. Tarra, Nice job on the photo!!! Actually, that's probably how I would have taken the photo. Or I would have done some in text stuff. Did I mention, I might get a Canon :)

    Also, I realized today that I don't want to start Heart of Darkness, but I'd rather start Crime and Punishment, haha.

    Crime and Punishment is interesting. I think when I was reading it the first time, mind you this was because it was for class, I had to re-read the beginning a few times. The whole point of the story though is it's a story through the murder's point of view. Just typing that makes me want to pick the book up, but right now I've got other things that need to be done :(

  5. @Caitlin: Well, there were some moments in Wuthering Heights where I was just like, "Seriously?" I suppose it was a different time and things were different then, but it was still shocking. I really wished there was more romance between Heathcliff and Catherine, instead of her episodes of illness. :\ But yeah, it's not my favorite book, but I thought it was alright.

    I definitely feel the same way about assigned reading. Sometimes I'll skim through my textbooks to find something more interesting to read, instead of the actually reading. Whoops...haha.

    But yeah, thanks! I hope I find some good books.

  6. @Rick: Thanks! I was a little iffy about it at first, but glad it turned out well.

    I was checking out cameras over the weekend, and there's some really good prices now, especially compared to when I got my camera 2 years ago. *sigh*

    Sounds interesting! I'll have to check it out one of these days. :)
