18 June 2010


 Basically. Story of my life right now.

Honestly, I have no idea how many days I've been looking for a job, but I know it has definitely been a while - probably even before summer vacation. *sigh* I know I've been applying for jobs since March, but I haven't had any luck yet. I also don't know how many jobs I've applied for. :\

So here's what is going down for my job/internship search:
  • I'm trying to gain experience in journalism, public relations, event planning, or even marketing (somehow that connects with all the other fields).  
  • This experience will help me narrow down what I want to focus on in grad school.
  • I can also use this experience as writing material for applying to grad school as well as some stellar recommendations.
  • As much as I am willing to relocate for a job, I'm looking for a job in California, particularly the Sacramento and San Francisco areas. 
  • I want to find a job with a reliable company.
  • Right now, I'm not too concerned about money but I probably should be. 
So far, the jobs/internships I have been applying for have fulfilled all my expectations, but I'm worried that some of these companies may be too large for them to consider a college graduate as an employee. Doesn't really make sense, does it?  After applying to all these open positions and not hearing back has been frustrating. 

This whole process is overwhelming.  Not only am I frustrated with the silence, but I'm getting overwhelmed with some of my searches.  I'll get on a roll with finding jobs, but then make a list of like 10+ job descriptions that I'm certain I am an applicable candidate for.  However, the thought of writing all those cover letters and going through the application process stresses me out! 

I really just need to get organized with these job searches and knock out each opening one at a time. 

These are some places where I've been looking for and applying for jobs:
  • Time Warner
  • Google
  • Maloof Sports & Entertainment
  • National Geographic
  • Disney
  • Paramount Pictures
  • The Sacramento Bee
  • Capitol Area Development Authority
  • Oregon Metro
  • World Pulse
What do you think?  Should I continue looking for jobs with big companies or focus more on local companies?  Or should I look for a basic part-time job for the time being?


  1. You're definitely in a pickle, Tarra :(

    If you get the job with Disney ... LET ME KNOW!! haha. But as for now, I would say split your options, you know? What are the top big companies that you'd like to work for. Manage your time there.

    Look into some of those local companies too, it wouldn't hurt.

    As for the basic part-time job, I'd definitely look into that too. At this point, a job is a job. You know?

    Hope that helped out my friend! :)

    Good luck. You'll find something!! :)

  2. Thanks Rick! I really want to get into the entertainment industry for PR stuff and then either a newspaper or magazine for journalism stuff. I thought Google would be something different and interesting as the Internet continues to grow.

    Well, I'm going to be working on my list this weekend and then focusing on more applications next week.
