24 June 2010

JOB HUNT: Interview with Henry's

Henry's Farmers Market is a Southern California-based grocery store that is expanding their market into Northern California, starting in Elk Grove, Calif.  With a new store opening in August, a job fair was held to accept applications for every position. I definitely decided to take up this opportunity, since I'm really up for anything in the job market right now (well, maybe not everything but you get what I mean).

Not only were we able to turn in applications, but they were holding job interviews as well to help give them a sense of who we are and additional information to add to our application.  It will help remind them who we are when they go through the hiring process.

I hadn't interviewed for a job in a while, so this was a bit nerve-racking.  I tried to answer the questions the best to my ability, gathering skills and such from experiences I had in CPB and ASUP among others to relate to the tasks required for a grocery store employee.

I thought it went well for the most part, but there's still that one question that boggles my mind: Why should we hire you?  Especially since you're a college graduate, working at a grocery store?

I know it doesn't really make sense, but I need to start somewhere, right?

We find out in the next couple weeks if we make it to the next round. I really hope I do, but in the mean time, I'm going to continue the job search.

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