05 September 2012

Dear NYC: I Miss You

 Last weekend in NYC, July 2011
Two years ago today, I took a one-way flight to New York City and spent 10 months in the Big Apple - working/interning and exploring the city. Then I returned home.

On my last day, I wrote...
"I'm positive that I'm leaving. Do I want to leave? Not really but I feel that going home at this point in my life is a good choice, healthy even."

Looking back, I think I do regret leaving...

Sometimes I look back and think I didn't do enough to stay in New York. I could have done a more thorough job search to land a public relations internship. I could have done a better search for apartments. I feel like I just ran out of time and ran back to a place of familiarity and safety.

Now don't get me wrong. Upon returning home, I got another job (or two or three or four) and worked like no other. I enjoyed the comforts of home and being surrounded by family, and I gained useful skills from those jobs. In addition, I met some amazing people at the same time.

I'm thankful for my combined working experiences to bring me where I am today as an intern for a global public relations agency, which was one of my goals this year too.

However, at the end of the day, was it worth working so many jobs and nothing else? It seems like such a waste of my youth to work so much to make ends meet.

I wish I spent more time hanging out with my new friends, but every time an opportunity came up, I declined because of work. :(

Moving forward, I seriously need to stop thinking so pessimistically about my past mistakes and look toward the possibilities ahead.

Isn't that what optimizing opportunities is all about? 

I just need to keep reminding myself that if I'm meant to return to New York, then it will be. 

P.S. Definitely had a more positive attitude about this situation last year...

06 May 2012

Back to the Post Grad Blog

Yes, I'm blogging about blogging...again.

It's been a while since I last blogged, but I have exciting news to share in my next couple posts.  :)

One of my resolutions this year was to blog more, and I have obviously failed miserably so far.  Some explanation to that later, but honestly, I've just been extremely busy with work and everything else.  I'm hoping to blog more in the next couple months, so keep out on the look out for that.

Let's get on with the blogging!

25 March 2012

Dream Job (part 2)

While journalism is not completely out of the picture, I've also grown interested in another industry - public relations.

In college, I was involved with student government (ASUP), most notably the Campus Program Board (CPB), a student-run event programming organization.  During my time as CPB Director, I gained experience in event planning, which was rewarding, enjoyable and challenging.  During my first term, I was still convinced that I would pursue my dream job of being a journalist and figured I can do event planning on the side, like as a wedding planner.  As graduation loomed closer, I was torn about what I wanted to do.  My adviser, Jillian, suggested public relations because I would be able to combine my skills as a writer and an event planner.

I didn't know much about public relations, but luckily I was able to take a course about it before I graduated.  I got a basic understanding, but during my first post-grad summer, I talked to someone at Burson-Marsteller, who said I had a superficial image of public relations.

It wasn't until I moved to New York that I got a better understanding of this new dream job...

Thanks to my internships with City Parks Foundation and Baltz & Company, I have a better understanding of public relations.  While it's from an intern's perspective, it's better than where I started.

According to PRSA, the official definition of public relations is:
“Public relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics.”
From those experiences, I found out how public relations was used to connect organizations with their publics, whether that was through a variety of media outlets like television, newspapers, magazines, or social media as well as events and public appearances.  Through my internships, I found that public relations allows me to practice and learn more about communication - verbal, written, in person, online, over the phone, one-on-one, or in a group setting.  It definitely keeps me on my toes and will continue to do so as communication change with technology.

I'm interested in learning more and figuring out which field is my forte, whether that is non-profit, food/hospitality, technology, travel/tourism, corporate communications, or in-house among others.

While the ultimate goal for this dream job is not concrete quite yet, I'm sure that once I get more into it with a company I love, that goal will formulate.  As for now, I'm taking it one day at a time and hoping to optimize the next opportunity to officially start my public relations career.

07 March 2012

Dream Job (Part 1)

"What is your dream job?"
"Where do you see yourself in 2-3 years?"

I've been so concerned about finding a job now that I haven't stopped to think about what I'm working toward career-wise.  It was easier seeing where my life was going in high school and the beginning of college.

With a Communication Studies degree with emphasis in Journalism, I dreamed of becoming an anchor for the TODAY Show, starting at the local news stations at home and moving up from there.

Skyped in as a Viewer Question on the TODAY Show. (Jan. 2012)

I also dreamed of becoming editor-in-chief of a magazine that fancied my interests - travel, lifestyle, fitness, etc.  I was thinking National Geographic, SELF, or Marie Claire, for instance.

Don't get me wrong. I still love everything about journalism. I love creating stories, reaching out to different people to get the story and connecting with an audience through words.  I love that thrill of writing a story, and the words just seem to fall together perfectly.  To me, writing is like a puzzle, and it's amazing to figure it out while creating a masterpiece.

It was a little discouraging to find out that journalism was deemed a "useless" degree, according to the Daily Beast's list.  It also didn't help that many newspapers were going out of business or downsizing while I was in my junior and senior year.

In addition, I don't have that experience of working on the school newspaper or the yearbook (except for in middle school, high school and sophomore year in college).  Without this essential experience along with journalism internships,  I felt - and still feel - like it's harder for me to apply for reporter positions to continue on that path, especially without published writing samples.

To be continued...

30 January 2012

JOB SEARCH: Reminiscing yet Moving Forward

(via www.jvskc.org)
Cleaned out some emails and saw all the jobs/internships I applied for while living in New York.  Emails to a variety of public relations agencies - boutique agencies, global companies, agencies focused on technology, sports, beauty, food/hospitality and more.  Emails to MTV.  Emails to magazine companies.  Emails to restaurants.  Emails to storesHonestly, I was looking for work everywhere.

After organizing my email, I was inspired by my boldness and willingness to work in different places.  I understood that I needed to start somewhere, working from the ground up. 

As the job search continues, I need that same attitude again...

On the flip side, I also found an email chain about an internship with Benvenuti PR.  I interviewed with them but disclosed my concerns about scheduling.  That eliminated my opportunity to work with them.  Looking back, I'm sure I could have done it, balancing two unpaid internships and a job at Macy's.  Possibly getting a full-time job out of it.

(via One Degree of Separation)
If you're looking for job experience, internships are definitely a great way to accomplish this.  In addition, they allow you to explore the industry you're interested in.  While it is easy to turn your head away from unpaid internships, they provide great job experience, especially if you have an excellent mentor to help you and support you as you grow in the position and prepare for your career.  Just be sure the unpaid internship is legit and follows the legal guidelines.

Enough of looking in the past, it's time to keep moving forward and keep searching for my ideal job/internship...

21 January 2012

FOOTBALL: For the love of the game...

(via ninernoise.com)
This whole week, the news has been about the NFC Championship game between the San Francisco 49ers and the New York Giants.  In addition, they have been covering the difference between diehard fans and band-wagoners.  It really got me thinking about where I stand.  

Thinking back, the 49ers was probably the first sports team that I knew about, especially in elementary school.  You either liked the 49ers or the Dallas Cowboys.  It was the 90s. What do you expect? Since the 49ers are closer in proximity, they were the obvious choice.  Plus, being a history buff (even at that age), I made the connection between the San Francisco 49ers and the actual 49ers of the California Gold Rush. :)

(via bleacherreport.com)
In 1995, I remember the 49ers winning against the San Diego Chargers in Super Bowl XXIX and becoming the first team to win five Super Bowls.  It was a big deal! 

(via ebay.com)
The next year, Wheaties came out with a commemorative cereal box dedicated to Super Bowl XXX.  I memorized the helmets on the back of the box, recalling the 49ers had the most, followed by the Cowboys and the Pittsburgh Steelers (they won 4 each).  Did you know those boxes are going for $30.00 on eBay nowadays?

For several years, I just watched the Super Bowl for the commercials and somewhat paying attention to the game.  On a side not, I'm pretty sure the Super Bowl was also an introduction to reading Roman numerals...

Flash forward to high school...

I was determined to understand football because I was tired of watching it and pretending I knew what was going on...and because I totally was crushing on the quarterback at school. haha Anywho, my dad helped me understand the game, and I kinda got into it.  I wasn't really rooting for anyone. I'd pick a team to root for for the Super Bowl but that was the extent of that.  I have to admit the Super Bowl experience is more enjoyable and complete when watching the game, the commercials and the half-time show.

Watching the Super Bowl was an annual event for me, but I realized it doesn't mean anything if you're not watching the entire season.

It wasn't until this season that I took advantage of being home and got back into the game - like really in to it.  Football is such an intriguing yet entertaining sport. All season, it became routine to watch a football game anytime it was on - Thursday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday.  Then I found myself getting upset when the channel was changed when we were in the middle of watching a game.  Honestly, it was getting intense, but it was all for the love of the game!! There have been some great match-ups this year and some amazing plays (hello Tim Tebow!), and with a couple playoff games left, I'm excited to see what's going to happen next.

So to bring this full circle, I rooted for the 49ers from the beginning...of this season.  Even though I like to think I've been a fan since the mid-90s, I admit that I totally have band-wagon status.  But if you can make dreamers into believers, you can make a band-wagoner into a diehard fan. Let's go Niners! Beat the NY Giants on Sunday! :)

(via Twitter @49ers)

04 January 2012

TRAVEL: Portland (round 2)

Only one month until I'm back in the Pacific Northwest for a weekend!  I'm so excited to finally visit after a long hiatus, almost two years.  I can't wait to see my friends who are still in Portland, and I definitely hope I have enough time to spend with everyone!

Some things I'm looking forward to:

CST (Jan 2010)
It's been such a long time since I've seen CST! I really hope we can all eat out for ol' times sake (even though our favorite hangout is long gone. *sigh*).

Totally rockin' those rad 80s prom dresses! YES! (DOD 2010)
Yes, even alumni can enjoy this popular CPB dance!  Not sure what decade I'll be dressing up as, but it'll be a good way to hang out with friends, dancing the night away to some totally awesome soundtracks! Woo!

With the playoffs starting next week, it'll be fun to see who makes it to the Super Bowl!  I've never watched a major sporting event at a sports bar, so we will venture to one. Yay! I really hope Kristina flies in on time for the kickoff! ;)

The adventures continue...
Who knows? There might be surprise blog posts...from you-know-where! hahaha

The ASUP Team 2009-2010
My second home while in school. Things have changed, but I'm sure it was all for the better. It'll be good to visit the office as well as the current board and the Office of Student Activities. Oh those student government days! Good times.


Well, I can't promise this will happen, but I really hope we at least get to spend time together.  But honestly, if we're together, we might as well make a video...or two.


Gotta venture down there at some point.  Maybe get some Voodoo or just walk around (depending on the weather)...

There's probably a half dozen more things I could list, but since it's only a weekend, I have to be realistic!  I'm down for anything, so come on Portland friends, show me what you got! ;)