12 July 2011

Dear NYC: Last Day

It's coming down to the wire.  These are my last 24 hours in New York City (for now at least).

  • I shipped my stuff to California.
  • I finished my last day at the Disney Store.
  • I said farewell more than I needed to my friends (didn't realize this until last weekend...whoops).
  • Now it's down to a few more goodbyes while exploring the city...
  • Oh and finish packing.

This week has been a roller coaster of emotions.

With one week left to go, I was all excited to go home, but then my emotions took a sharp downward spiral. I was conflicted with myself about whether I was happy to go home or sad to be leaving NYC.  In fact, I broke down at one point, crying on the steps of the Lincoln Center - just the whole realization of leaving hit me all of a sudden. Kinda harsh.

At first, I was like, "YAY! I'm going home!!" (^o^)

Then I was like, "OMG! I'm leaving New York City!!" (O_O)

Then it didn't help that I kept getting asked, "Are you sure you want to leave?" (Yeah, thanks Mike.)

This scene from Tangled illustrates my emotions perfectly.

I'm positive that I'm leaving.  Do I want to leave?  Not really but I feel that going home at this point in my life is a good choice, healthy even.

After seeing friends and exploring parts of the city I haven't seen before, I feel content with going home, accomplished and with friends and memories that I will cherish for years to come.

I know I'll be back in New York City. I'm not sure if it's just going to be a visit or to move back, but I'm glad that I have friends who will be waiting for me to return.

And if they ever decide to come to California, they should let me know!! :)

Thanks for the memories! These final hours are going to be awesome!

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