28 July 2011

Reflection: Harry Potter

So it's been a dozen days since the release of the final installment of the Harry Potter series, but even so, people are still reblogging HP material on Tumblr, still tweeting about it on Twitter and definitely still posting about it on Facebook.  Let's face it...Harry Potter was a huge part of this generation.  Well not just huge...it was:

Monumental.  Phenomenal.  Fantastic. Mesmerizing. Magical. 

While people have been saying this is the end of an era, is it really? I mean I understand you won't be anxiously awaiting the midnight release of another Harry Potter book or the midnight showing of another Harry Potter movie.  However, you'll ALWAYS be able to revisit those adventures at Hogwarts, managing mischief flipping through over 4000 pages, soaring on broomsticks through over 1000 minutes and defeating You-Know-Who over and over again.

The magic continues on with the fans and 
everyone who continues to bring it to life.

"I don't think the end of the story happens tonight. Each and every person...will  carry this story throughout the rest of their lives and it will effect what they do."
- Daniel Radcliffe

It's synonymous to how Star Wars effected a generation 30+ years ago.  While the film series ended, the story continues with its fans, the conventions, the cartoons, the books,the toys and much more! And who could forget Star Tours at Disneyland?!  Especially since they just updated that so guests can experience over 50 different tours.

Like Star Wars, Harry Potter will be passed on from generation to generation, keeping the magic alive at Hogwarts...always.

"Stories we love best, do live in us forever.  Whether you come back by page or by the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you home."
- J.K. Rowling

P.S. And just for good fun, I took a Sorting House Quiz.  Usually I'm sorted into Hufflepuff (yeah, yeah, yeah), but this time I got Ravenclaw.  Definitely not complaining.  I feel like I fit into either house really.

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