30 January 2012

JOB SEARCH: Reminiscing yet Moving Forward

(via www.jvskc.org)
Cleaned out some emails and saw all the jobs/internships I applied for while living in New York.  Emails to a variety of public relations agencies - boutique agencies, global companies, agencies focused on technology, sports, beauty, food/hospitality and more.  Emails to MTV.  Emails to magazine companies.  Emails to restaurants.  Emails to storesHonestly, I was looking for work everywhere.

After organizing my email, I was inspired by my boldness and willingness to work in different places.  I understood that I needed to start somewhere, working from the ground up. 

As the job search continues, I need that same attitude again...

On the flip side, I also found an email chain about an internship with Benvenuti PR.  I interviewed with them but disclosed my concerns about scheduling.  That eliminated my opportunity to work with them.  Looking back, I'm sure I could have done it, balancing two unpaid internships and a job at Macy's.  Possibly getting a full-time job out of it.

(via One Degree of Separation)
If you're looking for job experience, internships are definitely a great way to accomplish this.  In addition, they allow you to explore the industry you're interested in.  While it is easy to turn your head away from unpaid internships, they provide great job experience, especially if you have an excellent mentor to help you and support you as you grow in the position and prepare for your career.  Just be sure the unpaid internship is legit and follows the legal guidelines.

Enough of looking in the past, it's time to keep moving forward and keep searching for my ideal job/internship...

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