05 September 2011

NYC: A Year Later

New York City from Top of the Rock

A year ago today, I embarked on my New York adventure...
Back in January, I was convinced I'd still be in New York at this time, but my plans were never finalized as I just tried to make it a day at a time.  I miss being there.  However, I'm so thankful for the opportunity to be there.  Thankful for experiencing life in a big city through all the seasons.  Thankful for the skills and experiences I gained from my internships and jobs.  And of course, thankful for the friends I made there.

I know I'm supposed to be there, and I really hope I get the opportunity to return.  It may not be this year or next, but I know someday I'll be back in New York City.  I'll do it right with a plan and everything.

But for now, my life is back on the West coast.  Still making adjustments but things should be fine.  Might as well enjoy it while I can.  Who knows what's in store next? 


  1. awww NYC :)

    That is super cool that you got to go, Tarra!

    I want to go to NY for grad school eventually. Or at least on vacation or something.


  2. Thanks Ivy! I definitely recommend going to NYC! Life is so different there, and I think it's a good experience to have. :)
