05 September 2010

NYC: En Route

Today's the day....! :)

I'm at the San Jose International Airport, waiting for my flight to Chicago/New York.  Thank goodness there's free wi-fi because we got here really early; we're talking a good two hours early.  With no one in line for tickets or security, we got through everything quickly.  Now it's just a matter of waiting...

So in the mean time...

As I embark on this journey to New York, I'm reading The Bell Jar, which just so happens to take place in New York City.  It's about a college girl who has a magazine internship. Oh boy. That's been a dream of mine; maybe I can make it happen!

I also started journal writing again.  As much fun as writing a blog, it's nice to go back to the paper and pen to jot down my thoughts of the day before going to bed.  The light of the computer keeps me up for an extended amount of time anyway.

The job search continues, but I do have an interview this week with Macy's. I'll have to give an update about that in another post...

Reading the New York Times, I found out they started building the new structures of the World Trade Center in New York City. It looks good so far! Hopefully I can check it out myself when I visit Ben, who is super stoked that I'll be there. Ah...It'll be good to see Ben and actually hang out.  Last time, he came to Portland, and I was super busy doing schoolwork and CPB events.  We didn't get to hang out much, but now that we'll be in the same city...! It'll be like ol' times in the ASUP office; well, kinda.

So I'm going to finish applying for a job with the New York Times...

See you in Chicago! ;)

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