09 September 2010


After a summer of applying for jobs and getting no positive responses,
I finally got a job at Macy's in New York City! :)

I interviewed with Macy's in Sacramento after coming back from Portland, and the interview went really well.  However, they did not have any openings, so they benched my application.

With no job offer yet, I figured I'd try applying for a Macy's job in NYC, home of the world's largest Macy's! What was there to lose?  Only days after sending in my application, I was surprised to get a response to schedule for an interview.

Today was the day, and everything turned out great! I'm so glad I'm finally hired!

Now it is just a matter of landing an internship...!

New York City is so full of opportunity, and I feel truly blessed to have this chance to pave this path I've been trying to unsuccessfully construct in California.  Honestly, it was so frustrating turning in all those job applications and not getting any response back or finding out I wasn't what they were looking for.  I may have mentioned this before but seriously, as a college graduate, I feel like we have this feeling that we should be hired on the spot because we're fresh and new experience that can really enhance the productivity of a company.  Maybe I'm just optimistic, but I really thought that's how it would work.  With this economy, it's a sad reality that getting a job is harder than it looks.  Congrats to all those who were able to get a job directly after graduation! I don't know how you did it, but hey! now I'm part of the club...well, sorta.  

With a new job and more to come, I can't wait to see what else happens as this NYC adventure continues! :)

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