16 September 2010

NYC: Highlights

It's been a little over a week since I've been in NYC, and it has been an excellent start so far!  Let's recap some of the fun activities in the city...

I met up with Ben for lunch in lower Manhattan. It was great to have some East Coast seafood. Yum!

It was so nice outside that we even got to eat near the water with a great view of the Brooklyn Bridge.

Then we checked out the view from the top of Ben's apartment building, where a bunch of people were tanning.  Can you get tan from a New York sun?! I guess you can try, like they do in Portland. Anywho, it was a SWEET view of NYC!

Then we decided to just walk around...EVERYWHERE! It has been a while since I've walked that much. Kinda reminds me of my study abroad summers and walking all around London and Montreal. Ah. Good times! ;)

Luckily, we rested in Central Park. Whoever decided that putting parks in the middle of large cities is brilliant!  It was amazing to somewhat escape city life and enjoy the grass and sunshine! :)

Definitely coming back to daydream....

It was so great to reunite with Ben! It's been such a long time since we just hung out, especially after he graduated.  But now that we're in NYC together, we can hang out all the time...well, kinda.

I spend lots of time in the library to apply for jobs. Nothing special. I mean this library is amazing but what I do on a daily basis isn't. I think once I get on a regular schedule things might get more interesting. Maybe...

Sometimes I go to Central Park just to walk around. It's so nice. I haven't stopped to daydream though...just walking around.

I also like walking around the oh-so-crowded Times Square. I'm not sure what is it that I like about walking there. Maybe because it is a New York icon.

Good times so far.  I think one of the coolest things Ben and I did was go to Fashion's Night Out...but I'll leave that for another post. :)