30 August 2010

NYC: 1 week

You might say I'm pulling a Ben Taketa - buying a one-way ticket to New York City, but it's true...

In one week, I'll be heading to the Big Apple with my Lola (grandma) to help my Auntie Junelle take care of her new baby girl.  I'm excited to meet my new cousin and to help out my family.

It's just so surreal this is happening.  I never would imagine going to NYC out of the blue like this, but I'm really excited! :D

While I'm in NYC, I'm hoping this might be an excellent opportunity to find a job/internship.  Checking out the CraigsList job listings, I'm overwhelmed with how many places are looking for interns and such.  It's great news though, especially compared to the opportunities available in Sacramento. Hopefully things will look up, and I'll finally gain that experience I've been looking for.

I'm not sure how long I'm staying in NYC because I only bought a one-way ticket, but hey...this post grad life just got an interesting twist! ;)

P.S. Pilots - NYC for Fall Break?!


  1. Fun! Take a trip up to Montreal if you can... the train ride only takes ALL DAY, but is very scenic (apparently... I slept through most of it, but I think Simon liked it).

  2. Wow! Go Tarra! Of course you were made for brilliance, and I hear NYC is the address for just that. Good luck! I love that you're going without prospect, but willing to find them. I have faith in you!

  3. @Elly - That would be amazing to go back to Montreal! Thanks for the advice. :)

    @Sasha - Thanks! I appreciate the support. I know I'm going to need it going from coast to coast.

  4. Hey Tarra!
    Congrats on your new family member! I'm super jealous that you get to go back to NYC, take lots of pictures if you have time. Following up to Elly's advice about Montreal, if you want a shorter trip, fly Jetblue into Burlington, Vermont and then take the bus from there to Montreal. It's about a two hour trip in total, that's how I did it last summer from Montreal and it worked out super cheap.

  5. @Tim - Thanks for the advice! I'll check that route as well. I'm definitely going to take lots of pictures. I haven't seen NYC in summer/fall, so this will be an excellent photo opp! ;)
