13 August 2010

JOB HUNT: New Directions

Just need to keep looking!

After much consideration and frustration with applying for jobs solely in public relations, I've decided to start applying for jobs at restaurants and stores.  It sounds like a step down from my main goals, but thinking it over, I feel like I need to do an internship before actually getting into PR.  So here's the new game plan for my job hunt: apply for internships and part-time jobs.  I need the experience from the internship and the money from the part-time job.

Do you think I'm making the right move?  I feel good about it, but at the same time, I have my doubts.

I'm a little worried that my education might be a bit much for these places, but I know of recent grads working at Nordstrom and such after graduation.  Higher education shouldn't be a factor.  Sometimes you just need a job for the time being while reaching for higher dreams and aspirations.

So far from this new plan, I've been rejected by American Eagle.  It was an Assistant Store Manager position, so I understand, especially since I don't have experience in retail but I do know how to manage people from CPB.

All the other applications are still on file.  Do these online applications actually work?  I hope so because I've submitted so many already.

As for the internship search, I'm looking for public relation agencies in the area, but it's pretty difficult.  This search might take me elsewhere which means my other search will have to relocate as well.

I want to stay close to home to save money on housing and such, but with a limit of jobs in this area, it might be more beneficial for my future to relocate.

I really did not expect all this stress and frustration after graduation.  I hoped that getting a Bachelor's Degree would mean that I'm a shoe-in for getting a job, but that certainly is not the case.  It seems that much more is needed nowadays; most importantly, you need to know someone.  It's all about networking.

Have you seen the movie POST GRAD? I feel exactly like the main character in that movie, except the whole falling in love with her neighbor deal.  That wouldn't happen here.  Anyway, it's somewhat inspiring, but only because I know exactly how it feels to be a college grad and not finding a job.

Sure, it's only been a couple months, and I know there are people who haven't found a job for years. I hope that doesn't happen to me, but if nothing comes up soon, I may need to devise another plan.

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