03 July 2010

WORLD CUP: Quarterfinals II

Wow!  That basically describes how I felt about today's World Cup games.  Excitement. Disappointment. Frustration. Victory.  It was a day filled with lots of emotion for all teams and fans watching all around the world.

Germany vs. Argentina

The video above gives a quick review about the game (still don't understand why I couldn't share similar videos yesterday. lame).  Germany took the lead early and kept it for the entire game.  Germany moved so swiftly with the ball, finding gaps in the Argentinian defense and making plays that were executed with ease.  They made it seem easy to score those goals and send Argentina home.  

I was hoping for Argentina to score a couple goals, but none got passed the German goalie.  It was also hoping for Messi and his team to make it through to reach that same pinnacle that their manager, Maradona, was able to achieve years ago.  Sadly, their journey was put to an end today.

No video to embed this time. ESPN needs to be more consistent about the sharing feature for these videos. 

In the bracket I made, I have Spain winning the whole tournament, so I definitely cheered them on as they battled Paraguay.  Tough match. Both of them had great defense to keep the offense from scoring.  The offense of both teams also had several opportunities, but it wasn't until the second half when things changed. 
There was penalty kick drama for both teams during the match, but neither team came out with a score.  David Villa finally broke the scoreless drought in the 83' minute, giving Spain the victory!  It was tough match, but Spain came through! 

I'm glad they are still holding on.  The semifinals are not until Tuesday so another two day soccer break.  Hopefully, my withdrawals won't be as bad.  Good thing it's a holiday weekend with Independence Day tomorrow! 

The semifinals bring Germany vs. Spain and Uruguay vs. Netherlands.  More excitement! I can't believe the World Cup is coming to a close soon. A month of soccer went by so fast, but it has definitely been a joy to watch thus far. Until next time soccer fans! :)

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