04 July 2010

HAPPY 4th of JULY!

It's America's birthday, and unlike everyone else, I'm not really doing anything to celebrate.  It's another one of those holidays where we didn't do anything. Family traditions seem to have lost their splendor.  Not sure what that's all about...

Anyway, last year during the fourth of July, I was in Canada, studying abroad for 6 weeks.  In Montreal, they had an International Fireworks Competition every Saturday night during the month of July, and since the fourth fell on a Saturday, we saw Australia's presentation that night.  How cool is that?  Even though we were abroad, we still got to see some really cool firework displays.  So basically, I celebrated the fourth in Canada, watching an Australian fireworks display.  

Doesn't get anymore international than that! Except maybe the Coldplay concert I also saw in Montreal - British band entertaining French Canadians (among others) while watching an American fireworks display (yeah, that was still going on).

Compared to last year, this year was pretty pathetic.  Oh well. At least we're going on a family vacation soon.  Hopefully that'll bring up my morale.

For now, it's not much of a holiday.  I need to get back to finishing up these job applications.  They've been sitting on the back burner for far too long.

Hope you're all having a fantastic fourth of July!

P.S. I would have made this blog post a bit more political but decided against it.  We can get into American politics later...

1 comment:

  1. I talked about Canada too this day haha I miss it there, I love your twists with all the international-ish that we enjoyed there!
