31 July 2010

MOVIES: St. Elmo's Fire

Tonight I watched St. Elmo's Fire, and although, it isn't a highly reviewed film, I thought it was alright.  It follows the lives of seven friends who recently graduated from college.  All of them have different paths, but they all stick together through thick and thin.  Some of them are in relationships, while others concentrate on their careers or just have fun. 

Anyway, as I was watching, it just made realize how my friends and family are going through our post-grad lives in 2010.  Even though this movie took place in the 80s, nothing has really changed, except for maybe a little more opportunities and options to choose from after graduation.

In St. Elmo's Fire, the women of the group seemed to only have two options - career or marriage.  How limited.  Based from this movie, it seemed like the 1980s society was still strongly ran by men, but women were striving to make their way in their careers.  But either way, women were encouraged to get married soon as if there was nothing else to do after college.

In 2010, the confusion of what to do after 
college is still there after 30-ish years.  

For me, I'm on the "year-off" path, even if that may take more than one year.  I just want to gain some job experience or something to test out the waters, you know?  I'm taking it one step at a time because in this time of uncertainty, anything can happen.

For some of my friends, they are on the track of heading to med school.  It's a tough path, and they may have a couple bumps on the road.  Nevertheless, I know they'll pull through and persevere.

Other recent grads I know are volunteering or planning to around the world.  It's so cool that they have that chance to visit different places and truly make a difference in other people's lives.  I want to do this eventually, but we'll see.

Some other grads have already gotten married.  I'm glad they found that special someone and be able to spend the rest of their lives together. Best wishes to those couples! :)

Post-grad life is a confusing part of life because there are so many opportunities for grads to share and expand their experiences, yet at the same time, it seems so limited.  

A bit contradicting, but it's true...

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