08 August 2011

Unemployed...and hating it.

Eleven months ago, I embarked on my New York adventures.

Eleven months later, I'm back where I started - home.

It hasn't even been a month since I moved back home, but I'm starting to have feelings of regret.

I mean don't get me wrong.  It's great being home with my family, eating home-cooked meals, basking in the Californian sun and more.  I love getting the chance to see my cousins too.  It has been stress relieving to just relax for a bit.

However, as relaxing as it is to be home, unemployment has been getting to me...

When I left New York, I left three jobs, working for Macy's, the Disney Store and City Parks Foundation at SummerStage, so not keeping busy with work has been an extreme change of pace.  I suppose I need the break though.

When I found out on-calls get to come back to work on Monday, I feel like I'm missing out on work, even though it's across the country.  It makes me want to go back to New York, even though it's just a part-time job.  At least I would be working, while looking for work in public relations.

Did I give up too easily on the New York dream? I feel like I did.  I analyzed my situation and came to the conclusion of going home.  On the other hand, I knew my opportunities for a career would decrease immensely by moving home, but I took that risk anyway.  Now I'm back where I started - unemployed...and hating it.

I've been trying my best to get a job though.  I submitted applications to a variety of places but only heard back and interviewed with a few.  I still have hope for the places I interviewed with, but my patience is testing me.

I keep telling myself to stay optimistic...!
But it's hard with this heavy feeling of regret...
Plus it doesn't help with the financial crisis going on in this country.


  1. Life is hard and sometimes you have to make decisions that you don't agree with. Just look up and keep going forward because what you didn't have in NYC doesn't mean you can't have better. Maybe there is still something great to happen to you and your future career. You could always go back to NYC but that is when you are ready.

  2. Thanks Janneth! Hopefully things turn around in the next couple weeks. :)
