12 August 2011


Since I've been back from New York, I've been thinking about changing my hair...

Here's a before picture (just for the record, since I don't know when I'm going to get this haircut):

Right now, this is what I love:
  • I love the layers because the lady that cut it last time evened them out perfectly.
  • I love the length because it's almost reaching the longest it has been...EVER.
  • I love the color (but that's only going to change naturally because I'm never going to dye my hair).
Hmmm...that's not a lot of things.

What I don't like:
  • I don't like the dry, split ends.
  • I don't like my bangs because they are just really short layers (or attempting to be).
  • I don't like how the shortest layers aren't long enough to donate (just gonna have to wait on that one).
  • I don't like how I can't wear it down like I used to.
Looks like the cons outweigh the pros. Time for a new do (or just a trim)!

  • I want to keep the length-ish because I'm still growing it out for donation.
  • I want to keep the layers because it makes my hair lighter.
  • I want new bangs because something as simple as that will change my whole look (surprise!).
  • I kinda want it to be styled in the Dominican way again but that won't happen as long as I'm in California.  
I've been looking at some possible hairstyles, and I always come back to Zooey Deschanel's. 

I feel like I can pull it off. I just haven't had the chance to do so because every time I request this hairstyle, the bangs are not thick enough or they are too short.  Hopefully this next time will be a charm. 

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