18 August 2011

BEAUTY: Fresh Start

In my last post, I was convinced that I was going to trim my hair, keeping it long with new layers and bangs.  However, days after I wrote that post, I figured it was time for change - something a little more than a trim. It was...

Time for a new 'do! 

I decided to chop off my hair - a good 10-12 inches!  I'm going to donate it either to Pantene Beautiful Lengths or Locks of Love (I haven't decided which organization yet).  I wanted to donate more, but hopefully the next time I grow it out, I can donate more than a foot.


I made the initial cuts myself (and then getting it styled afterward), and I have no regrets chopping off so much hair.  Reminds me of the same mentality Summer from (500) Days of Summer had about her hair:
"...she'd only love two things. The first was her long dark hair. The second was how easily she could cut it off and not feel a thing." 
Honestly, that's how it felt. With a pair of scissors in one hand and a ponytail in the other, I was just like, "There's no turning back now."  As the scissors sliced through each strand, I didn't feel anything. No sense of emotional attachment that I thought I had to my long hair.  

After chopping off the ponytails...
Through my uneven cuts, I also just kept thinking, "It's going to grow back anyway, so no worries."  Makes me wonder how short I could have gone. Haha Just kidding.  This bob style, inspired by Dianna  Agron's hair, works just fine (yes I realize that my bangs are a little shorter). 

Dianna Agron from Glee
Plus, it'll be fun to play around with short hair since I had long hair for at least 2-3 years now.

It just feels so good to have a fresh start with a new look. :)


  1. You're beautiful.

  2. Love your new 'do! Super cute! Jealous of your long hair though... but it will be nice change! :)

  3. Awesome new do! buddiee, i didn't know your hair had grown out that much. daaaang.

  4. Anonymous - Umm...thanks? I wish I knew who this was...

    Caitlin - Thanks!! It's definitely a nice change! :)

    Sam - Thanks bestieee!! I straighten my hair before cutting it, so it looks longer than usual. However, we also haven't seen each other for over a year!! :(

  5. Hi Tarra, I met you once a long time ago somewhere in Oregon. We never got to know each other. Out of courtesy though, we became facebook friends and over time I became one of your acquaintances on facebook that fell away into the background. I'd tell you who I am, except I think the compliment has a little more umph when it's from someone unknown because I think I speak for everybody. So don't ever think you're not, because you are.

  6. Well, thank you, Anonymous. I really appreciate the comment, and I respect that you want to remain anonymous. I hope we stay connected on Facebook because it's always good to surround yourself with people who bring positive energy and I thank you for that. :)

  7. I meant compliment but I suppose comment works as well. haha :)
