01 June 2011

P365: Introduction

Capturing memories.
One snapshot at a time.
This is my Project 365.

Every day, starting today, I will be recording my daily life, one photo at a time - ultimately creating a series of snapshots and giving you a glimpse of my world. 

Photography has always been part of my life.  Honestly, my entire childhood has been recorded through the lens of a camera.  Having such an exposure to the device, I was excited when I was able to take my own pictures with my own camera. Granted, my first camera was one of those disposable Kodak cameras.  Not much, but it was something, just to go exploring with friends and capturing those memories together.

Being on the yearbook staff throughout middle school and high school, my interest in photography increased.  Although I wasn’t able to take a photography class, I loved being a photographer at school events - recording those memories and publishing them in the annual book that will be cherished for years.

In college, I was usually the one with a camera glued to my hand - snapping pictures of our good times together.  This was also the time when I started taking pictures of food (and then everyone started copying me). I also acquired a DSLR camera and took photography classes (photojournalism and intro to black and white photography).

After graduating, I feel like I stopped taking as many photos, but that is why starting this blog project is important to me.  I don’t want my hobby of photography to die.  Quite the opposite, really - I would like to improve my photography skills. It’s going to take lots of practice and patience, but I’m excited for this journey.

I will be using a Canon ESO Rebel XSi for this project unless otherwise stated.

Follow me and see my Project 365 unfold one snapshot at a time. :)

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