05 June 2011

NYC: 9 months (and counting...?)

Today marks my ninth month in New York City.  Kinda funny because nine months ago, I arrived in New York at LaGuardia Airport at night, and today, I arrived at JFK early in the morning. 

But anyway...almost a YEAR?! What?!  However, the question isn't how long I've been here, it's what have I accomplished since I've been here...
  • I've completed two public relations internships, giving me a glimpse of the non-profit and agency worlds.  I'm leaning more toward non-profits because it was such a fantastic experience.  The programs that we promoted were awesome and the people I worked with were truly a blessing and appreciative of my work, while helping me gain vital PR skills.  
  • I dabbled in quite a few part-time jobs, more than I ever had back home or in school.  It's been interesting and fun doing those jobs, but I know it is not what I want to do for a career.  They are part-time for a reason.
  • I've made some new friends, but I wish I got to hang out with them more often. 
  • I know more about navigating through this large city but continuing to discover more every day. 
It has been an amazing adventure thus far, even with its ups and downs; it's all part of this journey of the post grad life.  However, something has been bothering me.  Although I feel accomplished in a way, there's a part of me that feels like I haven't achieved anything.  I think it's the lack of a full-time job in public relations, communications or marketing that's bringing me down.  A full-time job would truly exemplify an achievement, after completing all those hours of interning and working. 

I feel like I'm in the same place I was last year after I graduated.  I thought I would get hired immediately after completing college, and this time, I thought I'd get hired immediately after completing my internships.  You think I would have learned from the first time around that that's not how it works.  Patience and optimism is key. 

So the job search and my time in NYC continues...

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