11 December 2010

HOME {sweet} HOME!

That's right. After a solid three months in New York City, I decided to come home for a sweet little visit between the holidays.  It's a bummer not being here for the actual holidays, but I'm glad to see my family during the holiday season.  I definitely did not want a repeat of last year's stunt where I spent every break in Portland; okay, that was only a four month hiatus away from my family.  It's just weird not traveling for more than three to four months for me.  I like to travel and be on the move, in case you couldn't tell. haha

Anyway, home is such a different pace compared to New York. I felt like I was always on the run there; everything is super fast-paced.  Back home, I'm chill and just relaxed.  Enjoying home-cooked meals, wi-fi internet, and cable television all in the comforts of home.  Seriously, I barely leave the house unless I really need to.

I'm excited to be baking again. We made some sugar cookies today. Pretty basic stuff with the Pilsbury holiday sugar cookies.  They look like little coins when you put them on the cookie sheet. So tasty though! :)

I'm ready to bake some chocolate chip cookies too. YUM! :D

Also, it's a good 30 degrees warmer here, so there's no need for heavy winter coats and tons of layers plus gloves, scarves and hats.

However, this little break ends in a couple days. I wish I made this trip longer, but I don't want to get too comfortable.  I have to return to NYC to continue following my dreams and making them come true. :)

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