01 December 2011

New Year's Resolutions

It's the beginning of December, and I know what you're thinking, "You're already thinking of your new year's resolutions?! Christmas hasn't even passed!" Yeah I know.  New Year's Eve isn't until the end of this month, but what's the harm in starting those resolutions a month early?  It'll be a good way to end 2011 and an even better way to start 2012!

I've started a couple resolutions already, including:

1) Grow stronger in my faith and relationship with God.  I feel terrible for not going to mass as much after getting confirmed.  My relationship with God has had its ups and downs over the past year or so, but I definitely want to reconnect with Him and grow stronger in my faith on this journey.

2) Get in better shape.  After graduating high school, it's been difficult figuring out a fitness routine to get back in shape, especially since I'd have to do it individually instead of with a team.  I'm still trying to wrap my mind about just running and doing other workouts, but I think I'm ready.  Bring it on 2012! :)

Some other resolutions I have are:

3) Find a better job.  The economy is still taking a toll on jobs, but I'm determined to power through it and find a career that I love.

4) Write more.  Whether it is writing in my journal or blogging, I love writing, but I constantly get distracted or get drowsy or some other excuse.  I definitely plan to write more regularly in 2012.

I'm sure I'll think of more resolutions to tackle as the end of 2011 draws closer, but in the meantime, now seems like a good time to start a couple of them.

What are your new year's resolutions for 2012?

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